Construction Surety Bonds

Delivering superior service and expertise to contractors for their surety bond needs.

Who we serve

Best-in-class contractors
Chubb has a diverse clientele mix of top-tier contractors including:
  • General contractors
  • Heavy highway and civil contractors
  • Trade contractors
  • Engineering firms
  • Supply and service contractors

Products & Services

Bid bonds
A bid bond guarantees that a contractor bidding on a contract will execute the contract under the terms on which it bid and provide any required performance bond and/or payment bond if awarded the contract.
Performance bonds
A performance bond protects a project owner from financial losses by guaranteeing that a contractor will fulfill its obligations under the underlying bonded contract according to its terms and conditions.
Payment bonds
A payment bond assures that a contractor will pay any laborers, material suppliers, and subcontractors who supplied labor or materials to the contractor under the bonded contract in accordance with the terms of the payment bond.
Maintenance bonds
A maintenance bond ensures that a contractor's work will be of sufficient quality to meet the standards of the underlying bonded contract and free from defects during a specified period of time.
Construction Surety at Chubb

The company of choice for contractors

Chubb has been a leader in the construction surety industry for over 140 years. Supported by exceptional financial strength and a highly experienced and knowledgeable team of underwriters, Chubb provides some of the largest surety capacity limits in the industry. Chubb is the company of choice for contractors who value stable and dependable surety capacity.

over 30%
of ENR's Top 100 Contractors are Chubb Surety clients*
over 75%
of Chubb’s construction surety relationships span at least 10 years with Chubb Surety
20 years
average tenure on our surety senior leadership team
5th largest
surety provider in the U.S.**

Chubb Surety partners with contractors who:

  • Demonstrate integrity and have a track record of profitable operating results
  • Possess adequate working capital and liquidity
  • Have excellent relationships with quality business partners, such as subcontractors, suppliers, architects, engineers, and lenders
  • Present a plan and vision for the present and future that demonstrates an understanding of the market
  • Are a mid to large-sized organization

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Browse current open roles on the North America Surety team
Learn about the Construction Surety Underwriting Associate role

Partner with Chubb Surety and let's grow together.

*ENR Top 400 Contractors Report 

** According to The Surety & Fidelity Association of America