Claims knowledge

Our national reach coupled with local expertise means that we have the resources to monitor and respond to catastrophic events anywhere in the world, as well as the knowledge of local laws, regulations and languages to help facilitate processing. Immediately following a catastrophic event, you can take comfort in the fact that our experts will be both on the scene and behind it, working together to provide the highest levels of technical expertise and service in the industry.


Our catastrophe experts include: 


  • Dedicated Field Catastrophe Teams that are reinforced by our entire field organization to provide the highest levels of technical expertise and service in the industry

  • Analytics Teams who proactively monitor weather patterns and forecasts around the globe to assess risks and the number of clients who may be affected in order to procure the needed resources for a quick and timely response
  • On-call Claims Representatives available 24/7 to respond to any catastrophe-related inquiries

  • North America Field Claims Team ready to respond to damaged locations throughout the U.S. and Canada

  • North America Claim Service Centers and Regional Offices staffed by highly qualified specialists who are poised to answer any questions relating to the catastrophe, your policy and coverage information or to begin the claims process 

  • Chubb Trusted Service Network of experts and industry professionals who have been vetted through our stringent quality assurance process and are available to offer priority service to our policyholders. To see our Chubb Trusted Service network, click here