We offer an integrated solution that protects what’s most important to you:

  • Your workers
  • Your customers
  • Your supply chain
  • Your research
  • Your perishable property
  • Your validated operations


Chubb has many tools and resources to help you identify and prioritize your risks, minimize the likelihood of a loss, and reduce the impact of a loss if it occurs.


Understanding the nuances of a life sciences company is a hallmark of Chubb’s value proposition. We have a team of risk engineering professionals who specialize in the Life Science space and can work with you to assess and address your specific risks. For instance:


  • You are committed to patient safety, and the bar is continuously rising. Chubb risk engineering specialists are versed in quality management systems and regulatory requirements and are often able to share best practices when it comes to managing liabilities associated with your products, operations, and associated activities.
  • Even a small fire in your building can results in a whole host of unintended consequences from water, smoke, and more. Putting out the fire is the easy part; the physical recovery and cleanup of validated space and equipment is where the challenge often begins. Our risk engineering specialists can help you evaluate the potential for physical loss and offer practical solutions from proper fire protection to operational elements such as handling flammable liquids, working with combustible dust and warehouse storage practices.
  • Employee safety is as important as patient or product safety. Chubb risk engineers can assist in developing and implementing a variety of work place health and safety solutions that are tailored for the unique needs of your company.


Let our specialized expertise in life sciences work for you. Talk to your agent or broker to learn more about the Chubb difference.