ERISA Risks & Fiduciary Liability Insurance

Fiduciaries of employee benefit plans face unique risks in today’s dynamic landscape. Chubb has leveraged four decades of fiduciary experience to design a suite of products that specifically help protect your fiduciaries and your organization against potential losses.
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woman in plaza reading erisa fiduciary risk report
New Release

New Claims Against Employers Over Prescription Drug Fees

Plaintiffs have attacked retirement plan fees for years, but now they’ve broadened their appetites to group health plans. In this Chubb commissioned article, Mary Powell and Brad Huss of Trucker Huss explain these new class actions.

woman in plaza reading erisa fiduciary risk report
A Chubb Special Report with Groom Law

ERISA risk relief

Recent years have seen a rise in lawsuits against plan sponsors and fiduciaries. As regulations evolve, it's crucial to stay informed and take proactive measures for protection. This report offers practical strategies for risk mitigation through effective plan design and administration, along with insights on fiduciary liability insurance. Proper insurance coverage can offer essential protection and financial support in case of incidents.


Chubb's Fiduciary Loss Prevention Offerings

Chubb is proud to provide our policyholders access to superior loss prevention services, including Plan Fee & Expense Mitigation Services, at discounted rates.


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The right fiduciary liability insurance coverage in a few clicks

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