Americans spend thousands of dollars each year on leisure and entertainment activities. While this number grows every year, so do the costs associated with accidents involving the guests, injuries to employees, and damage to property from fire, smoke, and water intrusion. At times, these losses can severely cripple or even force a business to close its doors.


To help combat these losses and keep your business—and its profits—growing, partner with Chubb Risk Engineering Services to address your risks and exposures. Our risk engineers have extensive experience with country clubs, golf courses, cinemas, as well as amusement parks. Examples of services we have provided for our leisure and entertainment clients include:


  • Public exposures including slip and fall analysis, assistance with accident after actions, water attractions and security evaluations
  • Kitchen operations including food safety and employee safety around the issues of slip and fall, protective equipment, and kitchen safety best practices
  • Risk evaluations for employees and guests involving unique customer experience activities, utilizing our PinPoint risk assessment tools.
  • Property protection, addressing fire detection and kitchen suppression systems, reduction of fire exposures, and reduction of water damage exposures
  • Management of contractual liability, both for suppliers and contracted services
  • Fleet programming development and administration concerning the transportation of guests and employees


Our risk engineers have extensive experience in a wide variety of operations with unique exposures. From your day-to-day operations to developing new customer experiences, we can share in-depth insight to help reduce risks for your business and your customers. Talk to your agent or broker to learn more about the Chubb difference.