Chubb's flagship small company management liability product is designed to be at the forefront of your risk management program, with the coverages available on Marketplace.
Decisions made by the boards of private companies are not immune from public scrutiny. Securityholders, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, and even the government can sue a privately-owned or not-for-profit company and its board of directors.
More and more companies are finding out the hard way, just how complex the relationship between an employee and an organization can be. Employment-related claims for harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, retaliation, defamation, unfair hiring practices, and other workplace torts — are steadily rising. Employment-related claims can have a serious financial impact on a company or organization’s bottom line.
Fiduciary Liability insurance plays a vital role in helping to protect companies, executives and employees against a wide range of claims involving the management and administration of their employee benefit plans. These claims can result in personal liability, exposing the personal assets of executives and employees.
A company’s assets are exposed to threats of embezzlement, fraudulent electronic funds transfer, forgery, robbery, safe burglary, and credit card forgery from “trusted” employees and cunning criminals alike. From fictitious employees, dummy accounts payable, non-existent suppliers, to outright theft of money, securities, and property — these frauds can go on for years, and when finally discovered, the ultimate impact can be enormous.
Within Marketplace, a broad range of coverages are available to meet the needs of small businesses
Take just 2 minutes and enjoy this video that showcases how quickly and easily you can quote The ForeFront Portfolio products on Chubb Marketplace:
Learn what EPL insurance covers outside of a traditional general liability or business owner policy.
The ForeFront Portfolio is one way to help protect an organization from the rising threats of social engineering fraud and theft or embezzlement by trusted employees.
Account level appetite check, quote proposals, and billing statements
Data pre-fill can eliminate repetitive, time-consuming data entry
Offers immediate access to Chubb underwriters
Convenient access to policy documents, billing details, and account information
Minimal underwriting questions for coverage types, if any at all