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Support for Customers in Need

Support for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

In relation to dealing with Customers Experiencing Vulnerability, Chubb must comply with the obligations imposed by:

  1. Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (Act);
  2. General Insurance Code of Practice (Code);
  3. Best practice guidelines developed by the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA); and
  4. Chubb’s internal policies and procedures.

Chubb acknowledges the diverse needs of Customers Experiencing Vulnerability and is committed to accommodating their particular needs where a Customer Experiencing Vulnerability tells Chubb that they need particular support or assistance in relation to their vulnerability. It is important to note that customer vulnerability is a state and does not define the individual. 

The Customers Experiencing Vulnerability and Family Violence Policy is aligned to the Act, the Code, best practice guidelines developed by the ICA and Chubb’s existing internal policies and procedures.

In relation to Customers Experiencing Vulnerability who wish to claim on Chubb’s Retail insurance products, Chubb has developed specific internal guidelines and standards for dealing with Customers Experiencing Vulnerability when submitting a claim.

The Policy and Appendix are available to download below.

Chubb’s Policy for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability and Family Violence

Support Services Available for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability and Family Violence